3月 月报


GAT Network Update March GAT Network 3月更新


If you didn’t have the time to follow GAT Network’s activities closely during the last weeks, here is a retrospective for March! 如果您没有时间密切关注 GAT 网络在过去几周的活动,这里是三月份的回顾

GAT Network joined MVB IV Incubation (BNB Chain)

GAT 网络加入了 MVB IV 孵化器(BNB 链)

Needless to say that the whole team is hyped! Some time ago we applied for the Incubation Program of BNB Chain (former Binance Smart Chain) and in March we got the exciting news!

不用说,整个团队都被炒作了!前段时间我们申请了 BNB 连锁公司(原 Binance 智能连锁公司)的孵化项目,在三月份我们得到了这个令人兴奋的消息!

Many of you will remember that we have been part of the Binance Labs Incubation Program lately. MVB is also a program of the Binance Family but but both programs exist independently from each other and have slightly different approaches.

你们中的许多人会记得,我们最近一直是 Binance 实验室孵化计划的一部分。MVB 也是 Binance 家族的一个程序,但是这两个程序都是独立存在的,而且方法略有不同。

The MVB IV program is meant to “accelerate the top dApps and builders in the BSC ecosystem.” The current season of MVB (season 4) focuses on:

MVB IV 项目旨在“加速平衡计分卡生态系统中顶尖的 dApps 和构建器”本季 MVB (第4季)的重点是:

web3 infrastructure 3基础设施
advanced DeFi legos; and 高级 DeFi 乐高积木; 及
metaverse, gameFi & socialFi. 1. metaverse,gameFi & socialFi

You can learn more about the program here.


GAT Network is now part of Binance Labs portfolio

GAT 网络现在是 Binance 实验室的一部分

We are honored to announce that GAT Network is now part of the Binance Labs portfolio (https://labs.binance.com/)

我们很荣幸地宣布,GAT 网络现在是 Binance 实验室投资组合的一部分( https://Labs.Binance.com/)

The Binance Labs team has been a strong and helpful partner since we participated in their incubation and we can’t thank them enough for their kind support! We keep working hard to make Binance Labs and our community proud!

自从我们参与了 Binance 实验室的孵化以来,他们一直是我们强大而有用的合作伙伴,对于他们的支持,我们感激不尽!我们继续努力工作,使 Binance 实验室和我们的社区感到骄傲!

Partnership with Mint.Club

与 Mint 俱乐部合作

During the Binance Labs Incubation program we met the great team from Mint.Club and stayed in good contact since then. The Mint.Club team is doing a great job pushing their project and proved to be reliable and successful.

在比南斯实验室孵化计划期间,我们遇到了来自 Mint 的伟大团队。俱乐部,并保持良好的联系,从那时起。铸币厂。俱乐部团队在推动他们的项目方面做得很好,证明他们是可靠和成功的。

We are happy to announce a closer collaboration with Mint.Club to explore synergies and to support each other!

我们很高兴地宣布与 Mint.Club 进行更密切的合作,探索协同效应,互相支持!

One of the first steps is that MINT token is now a preferred token on Minted Vodka for the rest of this year and applicable for premium deals. This means that all deals that involve MINT are free of platform fees!

第一步是 MINT 令牌现在是今年剩余时间 Minted Vodka 的首选令牌,并且适用于优质交易。这意味着所有涉及 MINT 的交易都是免费的!



In addition to this exciting news points we are still in build-mode and work hard behind the scenes. Most important topics are partnerships, funding and marketing. These 3 areas are very much connected, since we want to focus on cross marketing with strong partners. We tried a PR agency early this year but the results did not convince us. We talk about these a lot with other founders and most of them have similar experiences. We also refrain from working with fake/ bot followers. That might look nice for a moment but is not sustainable.


The newly formed partnership with Callisto Network is an example of a mutual beneficial cooperation.

与 Callisto 网络新建立的伙伴关系是互惠合作的一个例子。

In other news : As promised minting will be available in April for Minted Vodka!

在其他新闻: 如承诺铸币将在四月提供铸币伏特加!

Our new community manager is working to gather artists and NFT creators who will start to use the new minting tool once it’s available.

我们的新社区经理正在努力聚集艺术家和 NFT 创作者,他们将开始使用新的铸造工具一旦它可用。

In this context we plan another shopping spree where we are going to buy NFTs at Minted Vodka for our in-house collection. Make sure you list your favorite NFTs in time!

在这种背景下,我们计划再进行一次疯狂购物,我们将在 Minted Vodka 购买 nft 作为我们的内部收藏。确保你及时列出了你最喜欢的 nft!

As you know Minted Vodka is a non-escrow platform — Pete wrote a short article lately that explains what exactly this means. Check it out here https://medium.com/gat-network/non-escrow-means-non-exclusive-dedd2bc4956b

众所周知,Minted Vodka 是一个非托管平台ー Pete 最近写了一篇简短的文章解释了这到底意味着什么。看看这个 https://medium.com/gat-network/non-escrow-means-non-exclusive-dedd2bc4956b 吧

Apart from that we applied for more Incubation Programs, Hackathons, Funding Programs etc. to make contacts, raise funds and get exposure.


Thanks for all your support — we are happy to have our great community!
