

April 11 四月十一日

大部分为机器自动翻译,因此提供中英对照,方便校对,若发现有误,欢迎参与贡献维护。 原文:https://medium.com/gat-network/community-ama-7-february-21st-d2640c4a799b) Roman: Hey all!

罗曼: 大家好!

Wit*: Shall we have a little chat?


I see some questions this morning already…


“Well , project slowed down for last month… no new general updates…”

“嗯,项目上个月放缓了… … 没有新的总体更新… …”

Yes, there has no major updates in the past weeks. This is something that we have signaled during the last Community Hour. Due to the war in Europe a part of the team has been partially involved in helping some refugees & family. Nevertheless, the things are picking up pace again — you shall see more progress in the coming weeks.


The team has a small size. It has been our advantage in the past to be fast. However, it has also certain limitations. In that sense we are working on scaling our human resources (especially development) and also exploring ways (and resources) to upgrade our business development (incl. marketing).

这支队伍规模小。过去我们的优势是速度快。然而,它也有一定的局限性。在这个意义上,我们正在努力扩大我们的人力资源(特别是开发) ,同时也在探索各种方法(和资源)来提升我们的业务发展(包括营销)。

There is a myriad of information that we cannot simply share publicly when things are just half-baked 😊, Especially when it comes to partnerships, for example


So bear with us, if it seems like things are slow 👀😅


Past weeks have been full of conversations and negotiations with potential partners and investors. Some new partnerships are slowly emerging — you shall be able to see news soon. When dealing with bigger projects, such announcements and preparations take time, it does not always depend on us.


One of our focus topics in business development has been building contacts to EVMs and negotiating potential partnerships. This is also one of our approaches for marketing of MV and also for building contacts to different NFT communities and creators. These things take time, but we are gradually progressing :-)

我们在业务发展方面的重点主题之一是与电动汽车建立联系和谈判潜在的伙伴关系。这也是我们的方法之一,市场营销的 MV,并建立联系,以不同的 NFT 社区和创作者。这些事情需要时间,但我们正在逐步取得进展: -)

Roman: On dev side, we had issues to upgrade the bridge to support semifungible tokens (the ones used for our minting) so that the minted stuff can be directly bridges to all the supported networks. The minting smart contracts are ready and the backend is being tested now. Afterwards it’s finishing the UI before going live. The pace was hit in March for several reasons, but, as Wit said, we are getting back on track!

Roman: 在开发方面,我们有一些问题需要升级网桥来支持半可替换的令牌(用于铸币的令牌) ,这样铸造的东西就可以直接连接到所有支持的网络。铸造智能合同已经准备就绪,后端正在测试中。之后,它完成了用户界面之前去生活。今年三月份,由于几个原因,我们的步伐受到了影响,但是,正如威特所说,我们正在回到正轨!

Daniel: Are there plans to use the Callisto network structure? So far the other partners were to reach more users. But with Callisto we have a good network to use besides binance.

丹尼尔: 有计划使用 Callisto 网络结构吗?到目前为止,其他合作伙伴要接触更多的用户。但是对于 Callisto,我们有一个除了绑定之外的很好的网络可以使用。

Wit: We are actively engaging with Callisto Team and discussing several things. You shall hear more news on this very soon.

Wit: 我们正在与 Callisto 团队积极接触并讨论一些事情。您很快就会听到更多关于这方面的消息。

Roman: The cheap gas fees on Callisto surely open some possibilities in game concepts that were discarded before due to high fees. Callisto might be a good option to explore such concepts.

罗曼: 卡利斯托的廉价汽油费肯定为游戏概念打开了一些可能性,这些概念以前因为高额费用而被丢弃。Callisto 可能是探索这些概念的一个好选择。

Pike: Hello everyone, its good to see you again in the chat, I hope everyones family is safe.. Im going to group few questions not to take too much of a chat: 1. plans for staking? We all know its super important and right now we have one of the worst out there :). 2. Other big exchanges ( other than binance) 3. new games? 4. Where do you see Gat network in a year from now?

大家好,很高兴再次见到大家在聊天,希望大家都平安无事。.我要把几个问题分组讨论,这样不会占用太多的时间: 1.木桩计划?我们都知道它非常重要,而现在我们面临着最糟糕的情况:)。 2. 其他大型交易所(不包括联合交易所) 3. 新游戏? 4. 从现在起的一年内,你会在哪里看到 Gat 网络?

Roman: The staking is on the roadmap and should launch shortly after minting. Right now there is no sense to do staking as long as we do not have any sensible fees to collect and distribute to the stakers.

罗曼: 监视是在路线图上,应该在铸造后不久启动。现在,只要我们没有任何合理的收费来收集和分配给赌徒,就没有用赌注的意义。

Wit: 3. we will bring out new GameAce games. Regarding P2E blockchain gaming, we would rather explore ways to improve the current games in the near future

机智: 3。我们将推出新的游戏王牌游戏。对于 P2E 区块链游戏,我们更愿意探索的方式,以改善目前的游戏在不久的将来

4. A year from now, that’s tough. NFT space is evolving very rapidly, it is insanely dynamic. What I can surely say is this: we want be part of those who shape the future and the landscape of NFTs. In this regard the Minted Vodka NFT platform will remain our principal focus.

图4。从现在开始的一年,这是艰难的。NFT 空间演化非常迅速,具有疯狂的动态性。我可以肯定地说: 我们希望成为那些塑造未来和国家技术合作机构的一部分。在这方面,Minted 伏特加 NFT 平台将仍然是我们的主要重点。

There are too many innovative NFT tools for trading, creation, collaboration, etc. that we want to build and explore how it can help creators and users do more fun things with NFTs. It gets even more exciting if these services can be connected to gaming and entertainment! In any case: these are exciting times!


Pike: One thing i love about you guys is that so far you kept staying ahead of the competition with innovations, that needs to be the case in the future

派克: 我喜欢你们的一点是,到目前为止,你们在创新方面一直处于领先地位,这是未来的必然趋势

Wit: a certain creativity in technological matters has been always our strength. However, that is not all. Business development and traction (bringing those innovations to market) has proven to be at least as much important. These areas is where we are learning fast and that pose the major challenges. However, we are building our own network of advisors, mentors, partners etc. who help us to get ahead in these matter

也就是说: 在科技事务上有一定的创造力一直是我们的强项。然而,这还不是全部。事实证明,业务发展和牵引(将这些创新推向市场)至少同样重要。这些领域是我们学得很快的地方,也是我们面临的主要挑战。然而,我们正在建立自己的顾问、导师、合作伙伴等网络,他们帮助我们在这些问题上取得成功

Pike: Yes execution of those ideas is the most important step but with Binance on board im sire you have a lot of smart people on a speed dial..

派克: 是的,这些想法的执行是最重要的一步,但是有了比南斯的帮助,你就可以在快速拨号键上打电话给很多聪明人。.

Some of the things from the road map fell behind due to unforeseen circumstances, what are the priorities right now?

路线图上的一些事情由于不可预见的情况而落后了---- 现在的优先事项是什么?

Wit: The priorities are indeed to get stuff built. At the same time we do need development resources to prepare on-boarding of new developers as well. In a way it slows us down a bit, but allows us to have more developers in the future. As the product(s) grow in complexity, we will need more devs . This is something we work on and where we see potential bottlenecks that we try to tackle.


Furthermore, we need to bring users to the platform to actually use the features that come out. This is where marketing/business-development comes into play. In this area we will most certainly also rely on partnering with a few EVMs to use their reach and contacts. This will allow us to be more effective with our resources. Ways to collaborate are being explored. We have certainly learned a lot about what works and what does not in the last 12 months.


Daniel: I think there has to be a bigger incentive to bring users to the network. All those opensea copies failed. Projects still deploy on eth instead of cheaper chains. And to increase the Userbase with gaming has proven to be the right way. So I hope that the arena especially will get some tweaks, after mv2 is in a good working state

丹尼尔: 我认为应该有更大的动机来吸引用户。所有这些公开海洋的复制品都失败了。项目仍然部署在 eth 而不是廉价的链条。 事实证明,通过博彩业增加 Userbase 市场份额是正确的做法。 所以我希望尤其是在 mv2处于一个良好的工作状态之后,竞技场能得到一些调整

Daniel: Are you looking for devs that can spend some time on the already developed games. I think the arena would greatly improve with lower fees as well. And a few tweaks here and there to keep the community active

丹尼尔: 你们在寻找可以在已经开发的游戏上花费一些时间的开发者吗。我认为,如果收费降低,竞技场也会大大改善。在这里和那里做一些调整,以保持社区活跃

Roman: Perosnally, I would love to continue on the gaming side of the network. MV minting and partnerships need to be tackled first, however, one year from now on I definitely see more games in our portfolio

罗曼: 佩罗纳利,我希望继续在网络游戏方面发展。我的铸币和合作伙伴需要解决第一,然而,一年后,我肯定看到更多的游戏在我们的投资组合

Wit: By the way, I think GAT token will be a year old, soon. @romangat , do you remember which date it was launched ?

机智: 顺便说一句,我想 GAT 很快就满一岁了。@ romangat,你还记得它是哪一天发射的吗?

Roman: Officially, it was somewhere about mid May. but the first project has been announced end of March

罗曼: 按照官方说法,是在五月中旬。 但是第一个项目已经在三月底宣布了

AlchemyToys has been “public” for over a year now 🙂

AlchemyToys 已经“上市”一年多了

Fabrizio: Yes…. And some are still here

法布里奇奥: 是的… … 还有一些还在这里

Wit*: MV and Alchemy games can push traction for each other. Mechanisms will be in place to make all these projects attractive. MV is part of the vision to improve the “E” in P2E 😉

机智 * : MV 和炼金术游戏可以相互牵引。将建立机制,使所有这些项目具有吸引力。MV 是改善 P2E 中“ e”的愿景的一部分

wrydais: About our token’s image display in Token Pocket, can we apply now? I think holder is enough

Wrydais: 关于令牌在令牌口袋中的映像显示,我们现在可以申请吗? 我想持有者已经足够了

I will have a look about what our latest communication there was.


Wrydais: found one of the application before



Daniel: Do you have any eta (+- 2minth) when mv is almost feature complete? Is it summer winter or next year?

丹尼尔: 当我的功能几乎完成的时候,你还有时间(+-2分钟)吗? 现在是夏天、冬天还是明年?

Wit: Well, there is a public roadmap that shows our approximate aims for certain features ( https://gat.network/ ) . These are the ones that we have announced publicly. However, I think MV will always be developing features. This is the only way to move forward in the dynamic world of NFTs. Nobody knows how it will look like in 1–2 years. Some features will be more used, others less. New ideas and circumstances on the market will arise — we may launch other features then. So it should be constantly evolving.

也就是说,有一个公开的路线图,显示了我们对某些特性的大致目标( https://gat.network/)。这些是我们已经公开宣布的。然而,我认为 MV 将永远是发展的特点。这是在充满活力的 nft 世界中前进的唯一途径。没有人知道1-2年后会是什么样子。一些功能将会被更多的使用,而另一些则会被更少的使用。市场上会出现新的想法和情况ーー届时我们可能会推出其他特色产品。因此,它应该不断发展。

In my opinion the most important next step on MV is minting. This is where the platform becomes much more powerful and usable to the users.

在我看来,MV 最重要的下一步是铸造。这就是为什么这个平台对用户来说变得更加强大和可用的地方。

And this feature also opens up a series of possible business development and marketing opportnities


So it is our main focus right now.


Daniel: Is there a reason why the webpage still points to mv1?

丹尼尔: 为什么网页仍然指向 mv1?

Wit*: No real reason, we have not upgraded the links in Alchemy Toys yet. It will be done in the coming days. I think we will then adjust everything in one go

智慧 * : 没有真正的原因,我们还没有升级链接在炼金玩具尚未。这将在未来几天内完成。我想我们会一次性调整好所有的东西

Roman: Yeah, change in AlchemyToys is still on my list 🙈

是的,AlchemyToys 的变化仍然在我的清单上

Pike: Any plans adding dex to your portfolio? Having cross chain infrastructure in place i think that would be a good addition to your services…

派克: 有没有计划把德克斯加入你的投资组合?有跨链基础设施的地方,我认为这将是一个很好的除了你的服务..。

Wit: You mean a DEX for coins. Not yet, to be honest. There are a lot of DEXs out there — these are the first things that appear on any chain. There are people and teams who are exclusively dedicated to such technology. It doe not make sense to compete against them, to be honest

Wit: 你的意思是指指硬币的 DEX。说实话,目前还没有。市面上有很多 DEXs ーー这是任何连锁店首先出现的东西。有些人和团队专门致力于这种技术。老实说,和他们竞争是没有意义的

Peter: Another thing to mention is we’re planning a new shopping spree…we’ll officially announce it soon. The shopping spree will be on Minted Vodka of course, and we’ll be buying some NFTs…but we are also in discussion with other chains.

彼得: 还有一件事要说的是,我们正在计划一次新的疯狂购物… … 我们很快就会正式宣布。购物狂欢将在明特伏特加当然,我们将购买一些 nft… 但我们也在与其他连锁店的讨论。

Telos has also committed to join the shopping spree to specifically buy NFTs listed on the Telos network at the same time.

泰洛斯还承诺加入购物狂欢,同时专门购买在泰洛斯网络上列出的 nft。

I am just waiting for confirmation from another chain to also buy NFTs on their chain at the same time as well.

我只是等待确认从另一家连锁店也购买他们的链上的 nft 在同一时间。

The second chain is showing a lot of interest, but just haven’t confirmed how much they’ll spend yet.


The shopping spree will be on Thursday 21st April. :)


Of course if you want to list NFTs or know people who want to list NFTs then they’re welcome to come and join us with a chance to take part.

当然,如果你想列出 nft 或者认识想列出 nft 的人,那么欢迎他们来加入我们,有机会参加。

And don’t forget, as MV2 is non-escrow they can list here, even if they’re listed on other (non-escrow) marketplaces!

不要忘记,因为 mv2是非托管他们可以在这里列出,即使他们在其他(非托管)市场上列出!

Daniel: Would it be possible to change the last open arena a bit? Get rid of the high random chance for example. With XP so cheap, the community could play a bit besides just waiting

丹尼尔: 有没有可能稍微改变一下最后一个公开竞技场?例如,摆脱高随机几率。XP 如此便宜,除了等待,社区还可以玩一点

Or at least get rid of the closed arenas. Has a weird look for new players to have those dead arenas open.


Roman: I did not want to remove the closed arenas as long as there are hands staked. The hand owners would not be able to unsatke the hands

罗曼: 我不想移除关闭的竞技场,只要有人用木桩支撑。手的主人不能把手解开

Wrydais: Maybe we can create an archive arena pages



壮志凌云: 如果再问一遍,请问完整的门到门转换器准备好了吗?

Wit*: Indeed, there is a converter you can already use: https://legacy.minted.vodka/tools/wgat , There will be an upgraded version of it later on the new MV user interface. But essentially you get the same result: swap GAT <-> GATe in both directions

实际上,有一个转换器你已经可以使用了: https://legacy.minted.vodka/tools/wgat ,将有一个升级版本的新 MV 用户界面。但实际上得到的结果是相同的: 在两个方向上交换 GAT <-> GATe

Wrydais: Do we have an easier way to apply verification of NFT collection ?

问: 我们有没有更简单的方法来验证非功能性测试收集?

Many of them still not verify


Pete: I will check through the document again later today. Sometimes it is difficult if all the fields are not completed.

皮特: 我今天晚些时候再检查一遍文件。 有时候,如果所有的字段都没有完成,就会很困难。

Roman: For that purpose it is important to establish ownership of the collection. We are figuring out how the process should look like (like, for example, the owner wallet that deployed the contract). And it is not always the case that the owner and deployer are the same

罗曼: 为了这个目的,确定藏品的所有权是很重要的。我们正在研究流程应该是什么样的(比如,部署合同的所有者钱包)。而且,所有者和部署者并不总是相同的

Pete: The most important thing I need to find to verify a collection is an official page that clearly states the contract, or at least some official links to their NFTs And most sites don’t think to list their NFT collection contracts

皮特: 最重要的是,我需要找到一个官方网页,清楚地说明合同,或至少一些官方链接到他们的合同收集需要验证 而且大多数网站并不想列出他们的 NFT 收集合同

Wit*: Yes, please make sure to let us know of your favorite NFT collections (as detailed as possible). We would love to verify them!

机智 * : 是的,请务必让我们知道您最喜欢的 NFT 系列(尽可能详细)。我们很乐意证实它们!

Wit: Any more comments, feedback, questions ?


OphirNoor: What are the best benefits of being part of Binance LAB (beside the funds)?


Peter: Connections to other projects! :)

彼得: 与其他项目的联系! :)

Wit: It is the network and the help of the mentors! They know everybody in the industry. Usually we just need to ping them and ask “Do you know XYZ, we would like to have a chat”

风趣: 是网络和导师的帮助!他们认识这个行业的每一个人。通常我们只需要给他们发信息,然后问他们“你知道 XYZ 吗,我们想聊聊”

Peter: It also adds a lot of credibility when discussing your project with others.

彼得: 当你和别人讨论你的项目时,这也增加了很多可信度。

OphirNoor: This is great! Quite hepful

奥菲诺尔: 太棒了! 非常棒

Wit: As part of the Binance family, we basically have a “hotline” to ask for contacts (and other topics)

Wit: 作为 Binance 家族的一员,我们基本上有一条“热线”来寻求联系(以及其他话题)

OphirNoor: And of course also credibility and visibility


Wow, the best of the best is being delivered then.. 😃


Blee!: Any News about MVB?

有关于 MVB 的消息吗?

Wit: it is a slightly more “light” incubation as compared to Binance Labs. We will see how it advances. There are no biggies to share there yet

Wit: 与 Binance 实验室相比,这是一个稍微“轻”一点的孵化器。我们将看到它是如何发展的。目前还没有什么大不了的东西可以分享

Wit*: Ok everybody, we will get back to work then. Thank you for joining us today and for your support!

机智 * : 好了,各位,到时候我们就可以回去工作了。谢谢大家今天的参与和支持!

Daniel: But I don’t get why they haven’t listed gat yet. The platform is full of crap, and they already work with you. So something must be blocking the listing

丹尼尔: 但是我不明白为什么他们还没有列出来。这个平台充满了废话,他们已经和你一起工作了。所以一定是有什么东西阻碍了上市

Wit*: A matter of time, I guess. The rules of listing have become dramatically more strict in the recent months. We BUIDL, everything else follows 😉

机智 * : 我想,这只是时间问题。最近几个月,上市规则变得严格得多。我们建立了自己的公司,其他的一切都随之而来

OphirNoor: Thanks a lot for your precious time 🤗
